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Membership Onboarding & Retention


Developed and executed a new member onboarding campaign for a trade association that educated and informed new members of the benefits and resources that were available to them. The overall goal was to help new members quickly find value in membership and also develop ‘stickiness’ with the organization and ultimately improve retention rates.

Skills Utilized


The strategy was to make them feel like they were part of a community of like-minded individuals who share similar challenges. A critical component of the strategy was to make members aware of everything that was available to them in terms of information, research, tools, resources, events and more. Ideally, members would quickly find something valuable to them and confirm their reason for joining.


Send a welcome kit that included a personal email and a mailed thank you card, membership card and brochure. Members were also directed to a more comprehensive interactive digital brochure which showcased the benefits and resources available to them. Because the membership guide was over 20 pages long and it so much information can be overwhelming right after joining, an automated email 10-part email series was created to inform members over a longer period of time. The campaign would run for eight weeks with the first 3 emails going out within the first week and the remaining emails extending to 8 weeks. 

Automated Email Onboarding Series

Screenshot of 6 of the 10 emails in the new member automated email series.


automated email onboarding series conversions

Event Registrations

Directly attributable to the campaign.

Product Purchases

Directly attributable to the campaign.

$ 1
Revenue generated

Directly-attributable revenue from product purchases and event registrations.

Project Gallery

Digital membership guide

Play Video

Live Interactive Guide

(click on the image below)

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