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2018 LeadGen Campaign


 Acquire new contacts from convenience retail companies that are not currently members of National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS). The challenge was to target companies that fit within the narrow industry vertical, “convenience stores and gas stations”, while limiting extra spending by spilling over into other adjacent industries such as “general retail.” The campaign was run concurrent with marketing for the very popular annual tradeshow, The NACS Show, so this campaign’s creative was closely integrated with NACS Show creative.

Skills Utilized


Developed highly targeted LinkedIn campaigns to reach individuals at companies that fit within the industry vertical. Once contacts were reached, they were attracted by content that addressed their business challenges which enticed them to provide their contact information by offering something of value. Prospects were enticed by two different “lead magnets,” a downloadable brochure with detailed information about speakers and sessions for the upcoming NACS Show or the first 30 pages of a popular industry benchmarking report that sells for $299.


To achieve the precise targeting, the campaign was executed on LinkedIn using video ads and sponsored content (static images). In order to entice prospects to submit their information the campaign used two different “lead magnets.” One lead magnet was a downloadable brochure with detailed information about speakers and sessions for the upcoming annual tradeshow (The NACS Show), the other was the first chapter of a popular paid benchmarking report.

Video ads and static images showcasing NACS command of marketing research and testimonial videos from attendees on why they attend the NACS Show.



Total views of LinkedIn content  by target audience.

1 %
completion rate

Percentage of prospects that completed the form after viewing it.


Net new contacts/leads generated.

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Project Overview slides

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2019 LeadGen Campaign

Assets from a 2019 lead generation campaign which offered a free preview of a 200+ page report.

2020 SOI Summit Campaign

Integrated event marketing campaign that utilized several channels: content marketing, print ads, display, PPC, paid social, email and more.